# 209
almost 3 months didn't update my blog already ><
hmmmm ~
dunno what to post actually ><
just feel like wanna post something on blog but don't know what to post ><
hahahaaa ~
quite funny right? don't know what to post and still so stubborn wanna update it. ><
this is me! stubborn like a stone. LOL!
hmmmm ~
just post what am i actually doing previous month after my second last semester of diploma kayyy (:
hmmmm ~
after exam went to Genting with family. OMG! i met darling and her sis and her sis's sis and her SG friends there. LOL ! omggg! seriously OMGGG ! fate man =D dammm long didn't meet up my darling d after she started to work. damm miss her. how i wish got a time machine that can roll back to that time we used to study together, shop together,movies together and sampat together. =D but mostly will kena somethings funny from her >< bully from her >< but it's fun and glad that have a darling like her :D LOVE her muchh muchh :D
after that i spent my a month holiday by morning working then night watch drama/ movie/ listen music/read novel. keep on repeat and repeat the same things almost everyday. quite bored actually if think back >< but don't know why i feel that okayyy werddd ! LOL! :D
my honeyy keep on asking me Omg! why i can live my life like that. she asked me out till don't wanna ask anymore. HAHAA ! :D but end up she will ask at least once before she give up asking. hahaaa . cute honey i had :D but i did spent one of the night yum cha-ing with her and high school buddies :D my very first time yum cha friends. HONEY! you got my first time again =D and i think you had a very first time short yum cha period too. hahahaa !
furthermore, my darlinggg asked me out to night market at cheras after work. i didn't go too. LOL! sorry darlingg >< i seriously craving to go there once too. REALLY! but don't know whyyy once i think it will drag till midnight only back home then the next day i have to wake up early in the morning to work then i don't want already. >< my wrong. sorry >< no worries! sure got chance! :D
moreover, it's NAINAI ♥ intro many drama let me watch yoooo :D one of the drama that she strongly recomment me to watch is 步步惊心 ~ haven't watch yettt. LOL! hahahaa :D will watch soon when free :D
then after this, before that. this year i did went back to Penang with family for ching ming :D the weather is seriously hot >< OMG! but it's fun (: with the YEOH's family went here and there pray. i seldom join this kind of event, but this year i did and i found out. not bad too. LOL! =D then went back to Penang, for sure is eat non stop >< lucky i have a teddy bear bro. help me sweep all the food that i could not finish.HEHEEE =D this is one of the reason why i love my brother. LOL! =D

Awww surprise birthday from them ♥ =D love them much much =D unexpected man =D darling lied me that she could not celebrate with me cause she busy working cant take leave >< that time when i received her message. i was like hmphhh :( then honeyy did not call me too. then another hpmhhh :( then mom and dad going to trip on my birthday then another big hmphhhh :( then my bro said ohh dearr poor little things. birthday stay at home. sing birthday song alone and blow alonee koliannn =.= then another big big big HMPHHHH ! =( then until NAINAI !! =D asked wanna go out? straight promise and no need to think then confirm. LOL! sound so depressed right? seriously i don't wanna be alone on my birthday >.< HAHAAA!
back to my topic how they gave me those surprise :D NaiNai fetch me to midvalley on that day to meet up honeyy and shushu theree then we shoppp =D but then NaiNai told me they will be late since honeyy go do her teeth study :) actually they preparing my surprise but i don't know then i just blur blur had korean food on that dayyy with NaiNai :D yummyyyy ! =D then they called us and ask us where to eat again >< then i just simply said one of the restaurant in the garden that we just pass by before we had our korean food >< then i went thereee ~ the waiter ! HAHAHHAHAA ! bocor all their secret >< funny to the max man , and i still act like don't know anything but all of them knew it. LOL!
=D love you guys lotss for the surprise :D and i love those gift too =D
beside that, my dad always the same, just eat whatever you want or buy whatever you want on your big day :D awww, daddy i just want you beside me on my big day ♥ =D and i love my mom birthday gift. awww =D love mommy muchh ♥ =D the things that i craving for long and saved my money for so long to get it, but always think if get it i will lost big part of my money that i saved for so damn long. then i end up not gonna buy it already >< darling always said. you always like that one larhhhh! you won't have it de larhhhh >< and she seriously drag me to the shop to buy and helped me to ask all those information but end up i tell her SORRY! don't want larhhhh >< heart pain man >< i'm just a student then like a crazy keep laughing >< then her face definitely will turn to >> =.=''' HAHAHA =D then my bro HAHAHAHAA ! thanks yaaa! you know i know ! LOL! =D

last but not least, awwww ! i found out that i did not take any pic's with them :( hmphhh ! hahaha ! sure got chance =D the "them" is my working friend include my high school buddies =D awww ! seriously love them much =D i seriously relying on them much too =D got what don't know or not enough tall to take it >< or something could not find. i'll automatically called them for help =D HEHEEEE =D glad to gather back and work with my high school buddies, knew the sisters, sam sammm and jesieee =D The pharmacist, Ester, Mr nordin "da ge" and "nian jing" that always call me " shui jing teng" =.= just heard his voice but didn't see him before, heard that he is a big worm. LOL! =D and The ex- supervisor citra =D LOL! ♥ GLAD TO KNEW YOU GUYS =D
Malacca layer cake =D yummyyy =D mom wanna try it and i asked the sisters helped me to buy it =D thanks again =D ♥
conclusion, i had enjoy my holiday to the max =D ♥ and it's time to bed =D nighttt nighttt =D